FKP Scorpio lancerer ny branchefestival med Red Bull Music Academy



Tyske FKP Scorpio (der sammen med danske partnere står bag Northside og Tinderbox i Danmark) har som bekendt fortsat sin eksapansion i Norden og lanceret en ny branchefestival i Sverige: WHERE’S THE MUSIC, hvor bl.a. Sekuoia vil optræde.

I dag fortæller FKP Scorpio’s svenske kontor, at Red Bull Music Academy bliver en partner i festivalens konferenceprogram.

Fra pressemeddelelsen:

“We welcome the world travelling series of music workshops and festivals – Red Bull Music Academy to Where’s the Music? and Norrköping. The academy began back in 1998 and has since then brought together legendary artists with new upcoming artists in the studio and at the stage, but it’s also pop up workshops and seminars.

The Academy began back in 1998, and has been traversing the globe since: from Berlin to Cape Town, São Paulo, Barcelona, London, Toronto, New York and beyond. During one month, the city are hosting innovatory musicians and legendary artists that come together for discussions and seminars apart from club gigs and collaborative time in the studio. In addition to the annual “musical takeovers” of cities that has change the world, the academy arrange intimate pop up seminars that take place around the globe. Now it’s time for Norrköping and Where’s the Music?”


Du kan læse mere om WHERE’S THE MUSIC her
