En lang række internationale branchefolk har allerede bekræftet deres deltagelse på SPOT Festival. På MXD.dk vil vi i de næste par uger præsentere dig for nogle af de udenlandske branchefolk og selskaber, du kan møde under festivalen.
Vi glæder os til at møde AdP Records. Her følger en kort profil af AdP Records’ label manager, Tess Rochholz.
Label Name: AdP Records
Year Founded: 2007
Your Name: Tess Rochholz
Title: Label Manager
Key-artists signed to label: The Eclectic Moniker, I’m not a Band, Kat Vinter, Wyoming, Marla Blumenblatt.
What bands are you into these days? Personally? Beside the artists/music of AdP I love a lot of artists of the Capture Tracks roster, like Mac DeMarco, Juan Wauters, DIIV … But I also like the new Chilly Gonzales and Sufjan Stevens (who does not?) and I am waiting for Surfer Blood’s third album to be released!!
Will this be your first trip to Denmark? No, I’ve already been to SPOT-festival last year.
Who´s your favorite Danish artist? In this case I would say: The Eclectic Moniker! But I also love Asbjørn’s music.
Find links til andre profiler nederst i denne artikel.
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