Nomex organiserer en handelsmission for nordiske musikbranchefolk og industrien i Seattle og Los Angeles. Handelsmissionen finder sted mellem d. 14.-20. april 2016 og vil have fokus på publishing, sync, advertising og licensing.
Læs mere om rejsens indhold i offentliggørelsen nedenfor.
Danske musikbranchefolk kan søge om deltagelse ved at indsende en ansøgning om ”eksportstøtte til branchefolk” via det vanlige ansøgningsskema. I feltet “projektbeskrivelse” skriver du “Ansøgning om deltagelse i Nordisk Handelsmission til US” og uddyber din relevans i forhold til rejsens formål og fokus på publishing, sync, advertising og licensing. Der ydes støtte efter MXD’s vanlige betingelser. Søg hurtigst muligt. Der er et begrænset antal pladser og MXD prioriterer imellem ansøgningerne.
Handelsmissionen er produceret af Nomex – dvs. samarbejdet mellem de nordiske eksportkontorer, heriblandt Music Export Denmark (MXD), som også står bag blandt andet Ja Ja Ja Club Night, Nordic Playlist og andre handelsmissioner, fx til Japan.
Handelsmissionen projektledes af Nomex-teamet og lokalt af Julia Patjens (Fontana Distribution, Interscope Records etc.)
Fra dansk side er vi glade for at kunne trække på musikbranchens ressourcer, idet vi har engageret Andreas Nielsen fra Crunchy Tunes i fremstødet. Andreas vil på baggrund af Crunchys mangeårige netværk og arbejde på området give input til Nomex med henblik på at optimere fremstødet i forhold til den danske branches behov. Herudover vil Andreas Nielsen være MXD’s officielle repræsentant for den danske delegation.
Hermed mere info fra NOMEX om fremstødet:
NOMEX announces a Nordic Music Trade Mission to Seattle, WA on the 14th-16th of April and Los Angeles, CA 17th-20th of April, 2016. The Nordic Mission will feature receptions, panels, keynote speakers, networking opportunities, company visits, and local activities. While experts in a variety of areas in the industry will participate, the focus will be on publishing, sync, advertising, and licensing.
Seattle is home to the headquarters of Microsoft, Sub-Pop, Facebook, Amazon and Play Network and we will reach out to all of them. The mission will also coincide with the grand opening of the influential KEXP radio station’s new studios. LA has the biggest sync and publishing industry in the world. We will be reaching out to companies like Kobalt Music, NMC studios, Weinstein Company, Playtone and many more as well as visiting the legendary KCRW radio station. A complete itinerary will be announced on the 10th of February.
The Trade Mission is organised by Anna Hildur, the Programme Director of NOMEX and Stine Eikefet will be the project co-ordinator. They will collaborate closely with project managers from MXD, ExMS, IMX, Music Norway and Music Finland.
The NOMEX team will be complemented in the US by Seattle based Julia Patjens, formerly Head of International at Fontana Distribution and most recently Director of Global Brand Development at Interscope Records. She will help setting up the talks, panels and company visits as well as working with participants on setting up B2B meetings.
Those who register for the trade mission can get 10% discount on their registration with MusExpo which takes place in LA between the 17th-20th of April.
For more information contact: Andreas Nielsen:
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