Come & meet the creme de la creme of Nordic companies (labels, publishers & managements)
Location: Felix Meritis / Shaffyzaal
Time: Thu 19/10 5:30pm-6:30pm
The Scandinavian region has been a major contributor to the world of electronic music ever since its earliest days. It’s a region obsessed with the expressive, emotive power of music that is home to hundreds of labels, publishers, tech players, bookers, managers and event organisers, all of whom are supported and globally exported by the Nordic Export Programme NOMEX.
This is your chance to come face to face with the most dynamic and creative professionals from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, to make new contacts and open up the doors to a bigger, better business relationship with this amazing and musically diverse region.
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Og inviter endelig jeres netværk til ovenstående netværksreception!
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